TheCricLinks: Le créateur du Web montre du doigt les lenteurs de Microsoft à adopter les standards - Creator of Web spots a flaw in IE - MSNBC.com / W3C
by TheCricSVG n'est supporté sur IE que par le biais d'un viewer Adobe dont le support s'arrête le 1er janvier 2009
Signal to noise
by marcoSome people seem to think that Opera's recent legal action against Microsoft will cause relations in the CSS Working Group to deteriorate and thereby damage our group's ability to function
Ils veulent casser le code du tr... HTML5 Draft !
by tehuMaciej Stachowiak (Apple) : "Chris Wilson has already telegraphed that audio/video (explicitly in the charter), offline support (explicitly in the charter), session history and much more are next on his chopping block." -- et si on nommait Sarkozy médiateur ? Voire Chavez.
(4 marks)