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PUBLIC MARKS with tags w3c & validateur



W3C mobileOK Checker

by srcmax & 6 others
Is your Web site mobile-friendly?


Problems with Using Website Validation Services

by Monique
This article aims to underpin the inherent issues of validating your websites through automated web services/tools and how using these tools to meet certain requirements can miss the point entirely.


liste des outils en ligne du W3C

by dzc & 1 other (via)
W3C QA Tools and miscellaneous from Karl Dubost on 2009-08-26 ([email protected] from August 2009)



Colour Contrast Check

by sebastien & 30 others
The Colour Contrast Check Tool allows to specify a foreground and a background colour and determine if they provide enough of a contrast "when viewed by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen"[W3C]. The tool will indicate that the colours pass the test if both the colour difference and the brightness difference exceed their threshold. It will indicate that it sort of passes if only one of the two values exceed their threshold. And finally, it'll fail to pass if neither value exceeds its threshold.

Validateur d'accessibilité

by -Nicolas- & 10 others
Un validateur pour tester les 3 niveaux d'accessibilité.

W3C Feed Validation Service, for Atom and RSS

by -Nicolas- & 13 others
This is the W3C Feed Validation Service, a free service that checks the syntax of Atom or RSS feeds.

Validateur W3C Multipages pour une validation de site XHTML

by -Nicolas- & 34 others
Validez votre site Web en entier grâce à l'outil de validation W3C multipages.

Le service de validation CSS du W3C

by -Nicolas- & 38 others
Bienvenue sur le service de validation CSS du W3C, un service gratuit pour vérifier la conformité des feuilles de style en cascade (CSS) autonomes ou intégrées aux documents (X)HTML vis-à-vis des recommandations du W3C.

The W3C Markup Validation Service

by -Nicolas- & 73 others
This is the W3C Markup Validation Service, a free service that checks Web documents in formats like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag w3c

metadata +   ontology +   owl +   rdf +   semantic web +   semanticweb +   standard +   tagging +   technology +   web +  

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