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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "web 2.0" & "social network"


Main Page - Facebook Developers Wiki

by holyver & 1 other (via)
The Facebook Developer wiki is a reference for developers interested in Facebook Platform. Facebook Platform is a standards-based Web service with methods for accessing and contributing Facebook data. We've made the methods as easy to understand as possible, and this wiki includes full documentation to help you learn more.

Anthony Catel’s Blog » Créer une application facebook en PHP

by holyver
Vous hébergez vous même votre application. Lorsque quelqu’un se rend sur votre application, facebook va se connecter à votre page, l’interpréter (transformer le FBML, etc…) et afficher le résultat dans le “canvas” (c’est à dire comme une page facebook classique) héritant donc du style CSS et mise en page de facebook.


The First Free Open Innovation Portal

by msgbeepa
This Nice Idea Portal Is a platform for people with novel ideas, designs, innovations and inventions to showcase their creations.Share your ideas for new products, new designs, better processes, new uses, new art or your original creative work.

| The Social Web |

by bertier
* Podcasts * Between the Lines * Berlind's Testbed * All About Microsoft * Hardware 2.0 * The Apple Core * Open Source * RSS Feeds home / blogs The Social Web search Go!

Wow, Social Network even in the The Stock Market?

by Avinio
well, it arrived also there...what have we thought?

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "web 2.0"

arbre +   généalogie +   identité +   morphing +   reconnaissance faciale +   réseau familial +   réseau social +  

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last mark : 10/04/2009 20:16

last mark : 28/03/2007 22:25

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last mark : 09/03/2007 09:59

last mark : 30/01/2007 00:35