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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & éditeur


by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
The next-generation Web Editor based on the rendering engine of Firefox

svg-edit - Project Hosting on Google Code

by nhoizey
SVG-edit is a fast, web-based, Javascript-driven SVG editor that works in any modern browser


KompoZer - Easy web authoring

by parmentierf & 4 others (via)
KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing. Spyware Removal Tips Linux firewall KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-technical computer users who want to create an attractive, professional-looking web site without needing to know HTML or web coding.

wmd - The Wysiwym Markdown Editor

by parmentierf & 5 others
WMD is a simple, lightweight HTML editor for blog comments, forum posts, and basic content management.


TinyMCE Javascript Content Editor by Moxiecode Systems AB

by parmentierf & 30 others
TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems.

Create a free website | Free Myspace layouts | Flash Myspace layouts

by parmentierf & 13 others (via)
Wix is a free flash design tool. It enables users to create Flash-based websites without any programing skills, and publish those sites anywhere on the web. The output can also be widgetized and published on social networks.


by parmentierf & 34 others (via)
Création automatique de vidéo à partir d'images et de musique...

Merger et modifier les PDF en ligne

by Giraultises & 13 others (via)
PDF Hammer est un service qui vous permettra de travailler vos PDF en ligne. Vous pourrez les merger, les découper, rajouter des images, de filigrane, supprimer des pages, les retourner, ...


ActiveState - Open Komodo Overview - Dynamic Tools for Dynamic Languages

by parmentierf (via)
The Open Komodo Project, based on the award-winning Komodo IDE, is a new initiative by ActiveState to create an open source platform for building developer environments. The Open Komodo Project will create Firefox-integrated web developer tools that support the open web.

WYMeditor - standards-compliant XHTML editor - Home

by parmentierf & 11 others
WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYM XHTML editor. WYMeditor's main concept is to leave details of the document's visual layout, and to concentrate on its structure and meaning, while trying to give the user as much comfort as possible (at least as WYSIWYG editors).


logiciels gratuits

by fotopol
Les outils gratuits, disponibles en téléchargement ! pour la création d'un site web

Visually Editing Semantics - What You See Is What You Mean- Standards Schmandards

by camel & 1 other
But, if I was developing a CMS I would definitely monitor the progress of WYMeditor.

Karl a raison - L©S ßlog - CyberSDF

by Monique
"Tous les CMS qui sont développés actuellement, ou toutes les interfaces d'édition de site web, passent par le navigateur, c'est une horreur [...] On a fait la séparation présentation et contenu, il faut qu'on fasse la séparation applicatif contenu" avec les commentaires de Karl

Writely - The Web Word Processor

by parmentierf & 124 others (via)
Collaborate. Publish. Blog. It's FREE! Simple & SECURE web document sharing.



by Monique
Un logiciel d'édition de pages Web à la portée de tous. Présentation de la version 9.0 par l'INRIA au salon Solutions Linux du 1er au 3 février 2005.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

data +   data-tree +   php +   sql +   structure +   tree +   xml +  

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