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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & cloud


Flux Cloud - Start your Web 3.0 Journey

by srcmax
The world famous blog platform now hosted on the decentralized Web 3.0. Take your blogging to the next level and beyond the way it was meant to be!


Informatique : vendre le vieux monde ?

by dszalkowski
Informatique : vendre le vieux monde ? En 10 ans, du fait de l'accélération des débits de l'Internet, le secteur de l'IT vient de connaître de profonds bouleversements aux conséquences extrêmement fortes sur l'emploi informatique.  Dsfc


Automate your Dropbox

by oseres (via)
Connects your Evernote, Facebook, Flickr, and other web services / apps to Dropbox. Drag & drop files into a predefined folder on Dropbox and have them automatically converted and synced to your favorite places. Wappwolf is deconstructing the barriers of the cloud


Why it’s okay to outsource your memory to the cloud — Tech News and Analysis

by oseres
Science magazine has published some research into how our memories are influenced by the availability of computers as a source of information, and this has some in a tizzy about the implications of outsourcing our brains. Author Nick Carr, for example — who has written a whole book about how the web is changing the way we think and making us more shallow — says he worries this phenomenon is going to make us less human in some way. But is that really a risk? I don’t think so. I, for one, am glad to outsource the duty of remembering miscellaneous facts to the cloud, because it leaves me free to do more important things.


CloudFusion™ - Build awesome, cloud-based web applications in a fraction of the time!

by nhoizey
"CloudFusion is a fast, easy-to-use toolkit for the world's most popular cloud computing services."

La liberté contre les traces dans le nuage - Une interview d'Eben Moglen - Framablog

by ghis (via)
"Cette interview propose « une ébauche de solution technique qui pourrait bien signer la fin du Minitel 2.0 ». Eben Moglen y explique « comment des petits ordinateurs comme le Sheevaplug (cf photo ci-contre) ou le Linutop 2 pourraient bien changer la donne en permettant la construction d’un réseau social distribué (ou a-centré) dont chacun pourrait contrôler un bout et surtout contrôler son niveau de participation »."

ElasticSearch - Your Data, Your Search

by ghis
One of the main aspects when working with business data is to try and have all different components in an ever evolving system to understand the same data structure/format (or as close as possible). This was the main drive for me when developing the data model ElasticSearch supports and the different search and interaction with the data model once indexed.





by solveig_vidal & 14 others (via)
petite application qui crée des tagglouds pour votre site web

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

indian +   life +   margaret +   nivedita +   noble +   of +   read +   sister +  

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