ArgentumInvoice: Free, Open Source, Online Project Management & Invoicing Software
by piouPiouMProjet Manhattan 2.0 : les Etats-Unis préparent-ils la bombe libre ? | ReadWriteWeb France
by sammyfisherjr2009
★ Discussions sur les applications web libres, dans conferences, logiciels libres, web sur BioloGeek, l'avis d'un freelance passionné par le web et son évolution.
by Moniqueelgg - Logiciel de réseau social Open Source - Fiches produits - Web 2.0 et collaboratif - Publications - Veille - Clever Age
by piouPiouM & 2 othersHTTrack Website Copier - Aspirateur de Sites Web
by Elryk & 2 othersHyper-Metrix.com
by greutThe Burst Engine is an OpenSource vector animation engine for the HTML5 Canvas Element. Burst provides similar web functionality to Flash and contains a layer based animation system like After Effects. Burst uses a very light-weight JavaScript frame, meaning your animations will download unnoticably quick and can be controlled using very simple JavaScript methods. For example: the [-] logo above is a Burst animation attached to a mouseOver event using the following code...
canvas is the next Flash or not