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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & rest



ActiveJS: JavaScript Application Framework

by jdrsantos
ActiveJS is a JavaScript application framework that provides local and REST based data modeling and pure DOM view construction with back button and history support.



About RESTful features of modern Web frameworks - Akei, the blog

by ghis (via)
"Frameworks like Symfony or rails (and probably many others) provide a very convenient feature named RESTful routing, aka HTTP-aware urls and controllers, generally associated with an object/url mapping mechanism to expose Model entites and several available actions on them over HTTP."


SRW/U [OCLC - Software]

by parmentierf
The SRW/U Open Source project offers software that implements both the SRW Web Service and the SRU REST model interface to databases. Included are interfaces that support DSpace's Lucene implementation and OCLC's Pears and Newton databases.

Apprendre REST - un style d'architecture du Web

by parmentierf & 13 others
REST est un style architectural permettant de développer des applications Web. Vous trouverez dans ces pages un ensemble de ressources pour pouvoir développer vos services Web en respectant ce style d'architecture.

InfoQ: Tim Bray on the Future of the Web

by kasi77 & 1 other (via)
Tim Bray talks about why he is not convinced with the buzz surrounding Rich Internet Applications and shares his ideas on Cloud Computing. He also expresses his opinion regarding the debate REST vs. WS-* and the future directions web technologies will be taking.


Recess! Framework

by Xavier Lacot
The Recess! Framework is built from the ground up to conform to the HTTP protocol. This makes REST a natural fit. From 100s to 505s, from GETs to PUTs, Recess! makes it straightforward for your web apps to play nice

Exploring the REST and AtomPub as WS-* Stack Alternatives

by holyver (via)
Kurt Cagle of The Burton Group, explores the "RESTful Stack" as an alternative to WS-* web services and looks at the growing importance of standards and technologies such as Atom, the Atom Publishing Protocol, and XQuery. Presented as part of HR-XML's webinar series. see

Apache / Sling : développer en Java pour le Web - Journal du Net > Développeurs

by parmentierf
Apache annonce la sortie d'Apache Sling : un framework Web Open Source pour rendre le développement Java plus ludique et faciliter son utilisation. Sling permet de développer de multiples types d'application Web, y compris des blogs et des wiki. Sling fournit un fichier JAR (Java Archive) pour aider à démarrer avec le framework. Il aide à l'implémentation d'applications gérant du contenu sous une architecture RESTful. Il fournit une plate-forme pour mettre à jour les données et gérer leur accès.

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