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How to Make a Screencast for Your Website | Webdesigner Depot

by oseres (via)
Having a video on your website can vastly improve your conversion rate. Whether the goal is for users to sign up for your web application or simply to get users to contact you via a web form, a video improves the likelihood of this happening. You need only go to the home page of any new Internet-based startup, and you’ll see an embedded video with a very large call to action beckoning you to play its two- or three-minute video introduction. Videos that demonstrate web applications or web-based services are often called screencasts because they usually capture events on the company’s website. These screencasts can sum up in just two minutes what might otherwise take up many pages to explain, so they make for powerful additions to websites. Is it easy to make a screencast? How much does it cost, and what tools are required? Let’s answer these questions.


DimDim, la web conférence gratuite | Homo Sapiens Internetus

by camel
Dimdim est une application internet de réunion à distance dans le même esprit que Ekiga ( dont je vous ai parlé il y a bien longtemps ). Le service est multi-plateformes, basé sur la technologie flash et le tout est proposé gratuitement. dimdim_home.jpg Jusque là rien d’extraordinaire mais l’outil propose 2 autres options intéressante : le tableau blanc et la possibilité de partager des fichiers en live (pps, pdf, doc, xls..). Une fois inscrit, Dimdim va vous demander quelques préférences afin de configurer un peu vos futurs meetings : * prévoir une zone d’attente avant les réunions * le type de connexion * le temps de réunion ( de 2h à 5h45 ) * nombres de participants * si vous autorisez le chat public et/ou les chats privés * tableau blanc ou non, screencast ou pas * Langue ( 4 pour le moment, pas de français )

2007 - Screencast sur l'utilisation de Google Analytics - web analytique

by camel & 1 other
Un très bon screencast qui explique les tenants et aboutissants de la web analytique, en particulier dans ce cas-ci, avec google analytics.

The coolness factor of Linux » Rudd-O

by parmentierf (via)
All in all, this video took about 4 hours to make, including the time to install and set the required software up. Here’s the step-by-step lowdown: 1. Used xvidcap to record the video at 10 frames per second into an MPEG file. 2. Used Kino to find out a suitable end frame for the video. That way I can encode only from the start to a certain frame. 3. Used mencoder to scale and encode the MPEG movie into a DivX AVI file. This is the command line: mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:mbd=2:v4mv:autoaspect test-0000.mpeg -o youtube.avi -frames 950 -vf scale=320:240 4. Used Ardour to create a mini-mix of The world is mine, for the audio track. 5. Used mencoder to encode the audio and copy the DivX file into the final DivX video. This is the command line: mencoder youtube.avi -audiofile track.mp3 -oac mp3lame -ovc copy -o final.avi 6. Uploaded the final video to YouTube. 7. Uploaded the final video to my Web site. 8. Wrote this post.


wikiCalc Beta

by philippej & 9 others
"...combines some of the ease of authoring and multi-person editing of a wiki with the familiar visual formatting and data organizing metaphor of a spreadsheet."

Exploring Live Clipboard

by philippej
"...examples of Live Clipboard in use...".


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