24 December 2006
19 December 2006
ie7 ET ie6
by jlemoineUne méthode pour installer IE7 en version standalone. Plus besoin de lancer une machine virtuelle juste pour tester son site web. Fonctionne très bien avec l'extension firefox IETab.
How to structure large CSS files
by jlemoine & 8 othersMany methods exist to structure your CSS. This article tries to describe the method I use. I call it the “Tree method”, since it structures the CSS like… that’s right, a tree structure. I want to stress that it isn’t my invention; I just describ
How To Deal With Diggs, Slashdot, Delicious, etc
by jlemoineLa réponse est simple : utiliser un système de cache type corail, et y envoyé tous les visiteurs venant de ces sites. Facile en théorie... Le site donne un url rewriting clé en main.
Google PageRank - Algorithm
by jlemoine & 2 othersThe original PageRank algorithm was described by Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin in several publications. Here it is.
18 December 2006
Creating Passionate Users
by jlemoine & 2 othersThe more successful the product or service is, the stronger the pressure to give in to user requests. The more users you have, the more diverse the requests. One user's must-have-or-else feature is another user's deal-killer. And the more popular your pro
Crazy Egg – visualize your visitors
by jlemoine & 30 othersPlutôt fort : après installation d'une petite applet sur son site web, CrazyEgg montre la quantité de clics sur chaque lien, l'endroit du lien le plus cliqué, etc. Le plus impressionnant reste la HeatMap
Beginners guide to .htaccess
by jlemoine & 2 others.htaccess files provides us with ways to make configuration changes on a per-directory basis. This file works well in Apache Web Server and on Linux/Unix. Also, it works on Windows based system with Apache Web server.
(8 marks)