public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags website & aggregator

February 2007

May 2006

ScoopGO! Create search engines that search feeds you choose

by slogoo & 1 other
scoopgo: 个性化的搜索引擎,类似的还有Rollyo和Eurekster Swicki. The social wish list repository

by slogoo & 7 others
* 将散落在不同网站的你想做的事情和想实现的心愿收集在一起, 统一存储在该网站; * 将这些事情以tag进行分组归类; * 将这些分组归类的愿望与家人, 朋友甚至陌生人分享.

MashupFeed - Home to Mashups

by slogoo & 16 others
mashupfeed最新的最流行的混血应用汇总, 数据来自于混血和API数据库. 订阅此feed以后即可了解最新的混血应用.

Active users

last mark : 28/02/2007 15:53

last mark : 30/05/2006 02:01