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PUBLIC MARKS with tag webtech



by mildbutcalmless & 7 others
measure. analyze. evolve.


Central hosting of all javascript libraries

by ecmanaut & 2 others
2005-12-22 14:45

request for the CDN's

by ecmanaut
The idea might not be as doomed as you think, though any XMLHttpRequest talking between clients and this hosting provider would with the present javascript security model be out of the question.<br><br>Fetching code from remote locations is still very pos

How to make XmlHttpRequest calls to another server in your domain

by ecmanaut
While this approach does seem to at least partially work in current mozillas (I just tested on Mozilla 1.5, windows), it's far from stable.<br><br>Your bridge solution, on named setup, recursively creates new frames for every new call (which has the poten

The Same Origin Policy

by ecmanaut
The same origin policy prevents document or script loaded from one origin from getting or setting properties of a document from a different origin. The policy dates from Netscape Navigator 2.0. This today also applies to XMLHttpRequest, and this page des

Comment Blogging

by ecmanaut
Like mackinaw above, I too find I have started to add topic tags to comments I post, besides the "mandated" <i>mycomments</i> tag slapped on to all my own comments on external blogs. The "mycomments" tag holds the semantical meaning of tying in the Del.ic

cmsInfo - Home

by svartling & 3 others (via)
cmsInfo is an internet community of users and developers of Content Management Systems. Dedicated to provide news and information of the Open Source weblog niche. If you have expertise in commercial CMS systems feel free to volunteer to help with providing information on these products.

XyroX - Digital Lifestyle Magazine

by Fruetel
XyroX is an online magazine (allthough it runs on a weblog software, it is not considered a typical blog) dedicated to those living that digital lifestyle. I try to post interesting stuff on state of the art technology, which will be a lot of gizmos and gadgets, web tech and some robotics, online gaming and science thrown in for good measure.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag webtech

javascript +   reference +   security +  

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