October 2006
May 2006
April 2006
March 2006
February 2006
January 2006
December 2005
November 2005
ZK - Simple and Rich
by talou & 10 othersWith ZK, you represent your application in feature-rich XUL components, and manipulate these components by listening to events triggered by users, as you did for years in desktop applications. Your users get the same engaged interactivity and responsiveness as a desktop application, while your development remains the same simplicity as that of desktop applications.
October 2005
t3h blox0r
by thomaf & 19 others (via)Très bon outil. On peut le télécharger et l'installer chez soi, à condition soit, de passer les register globals à on (bof), soit de retouiller le code !
t3h blox0r
by talou & 19 othersTrès bon outil. On peut le télécharger et l'installer chez soi, à condition soit, de passer les register globals à on (bof), soit de retouiller le code !