WikyBox - demo
by ycc2106Wiky is a clientside Wiki markup to HTML converter written in javascript. As it is bidirectional, it can convert Wiki markup to HTML and later convert that generated HTML text back to Wiki markup. Optionally Wiky will create math formulas from a simple notation similar to LaTeX.
OpenDocument/Text to MediaWiki conversion
by ycc2106This page interactively demonstrates the XSLT-based odt2txt conversion utility. The purpose of odt2txt is to translate an OpenDocument/Text document with special WikiPedia styles automatically into a format suitable for uploading to a MediaWiki. This utility is attached to Issue 48409 of the OpenOffice.org IssueZilla.
Odt2Wiki - OpenOffice.org Wiki
by ycc2106Odt2Wiki is an export filter for OpenOffice 2.0 by Bernhard Haumacher. It will let you convert OpenOffice.org Writer files (OpenDocument/Text) to MediaWiki (WikiPedia) text format.
JTidy.de is a HTML to wiki (Wikipedia, Google Code) converter and code syntax highlighter
by ycc2106This Wikipedia and Google Code Converter and Code Highlighter form can convert your: * HTML snippets into: o Wikipedia wikitext format. o Google Code wikitext format. * programming sources into syntax highligthed HTML text.
(10 marks)