April 2007
October 2006
Gay Old Pedophiles
by jasontrommThe cringe factor is back in American politics. It suddenly doesn't seem all that long ago we were wincing over the significance of a stained blue dress; now, one finds oneself looking back on Mr. Clinton's proclivity for porcine young women with a certain nostalgia. Hummers, interns, cigars and ''I did not have sex with that woman'' suddenly seem almost respectable, even statesmanlike, compared with underage pages, Internet chats and ''do I make you a little horny?''
August 2005
Getting Wise to the Lies
by jasontrommYoung women are finally hearing the truth about abortion: It doesn’t get rid of a “blob of tissue:” It kills a living baby. And it’s not the safe surgery that advocates claim: It carries terrible risks and long-term consequences.
(3 marks)