February 2009
October 2008
February 2007
___layouts: simple layout builder
by Hieroglyphe & 2 others___layouts is not only inspired by YUI grids I've also used — probably more than just used their documentation as guide — seeing as it's so damn good!
First off I want to give full credit to YUI grids for coming up with a brilliant idea and please don't sue me if I'm infringing on any copyright laws.
The reason ___layouts was created; I felt YUI grids was a little too difficult to implement, especially when implementing pixel perfect width layouts. Which as contractor is a lot of what I need to end up doing unfortunately.
I'm not saying ___layouts is better than YUI grids, it's probably not even AS good. It is definately not as tested.
I just think it is an easier system for developers to over-write and invite developers to help break it in any browser and version they can so it can become better; eventually allowing humanity to rid the earth of itself. :)
(3 marks)