10 January 2007
Performance Research, Part 2: Browser Cache Usage - Exposed! » Yahoo! User Interface Blog
by 4 others (via)This is the second in a series of articles describing experiments conducted to learn more about optimizing web page performance. You may be wondering why you’re reading a performance article on the YUI Blog. It turns out that most of web page performance is affected by front-end engineering, that is, the user interface design and development.
08 January 2007
» SEO : liens, ancres, coquilles, les perles de Russ Jones ! - Malaiac attack
L’ordre des liens a-t-il une influence sur les poids des ancres ? Peut-on être positionné sur un terme difficile en travaillant sur une coquille ? Est ce qu’un lien qui disparait vous nuit ? Quelle est l’importance réelle du Page Rank aujourd’hui ? Et si Yahoo et MSN créaient une copie du Page Rank ? La structure et l’ordre du contenu ont-ils de l’importance ? L’ordre des liens est-il pris en compte ?
28 November 2006
Performance Research, Part 1: What the 80/20 Rule Tells Us about Reducing HTTP Requests » Yahoo! User Interface Blog
by 4 others (via)This is the first in a series of articles describing experiments conducted to learn more about optimizing web page performance. You may be wondering why you’re reading a performance article on the YUI Blog. It turns out that most of web page performance is affected by front-end engineering, that is, the user interface design and development.
21 November 2006
sitemaps.org - Home
by 16 othersSitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL
17 November 2006
(6 marks)