28 October 2005 09:00
UNINETT: Testnett - Stager: News
(via)Stager is a system for aggregating and presenting network statistics. Though tailored for using NetFlow data from the flow-tools package, it is generic and can be customized to present and process any kind of network statistics. The backend collects data with flow-tools and stores reports in a database, automatically handling the aggregation of hourly statistics into days, weeks, and months. The Web frontend presents data in tables, matrices, or plots. The reports are fully customizable, and their definitions are stored in the database.
28 October 2005 04:00
28 October 2005 03:00
27 October 2005 16:00
Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review
by 46 others (via)__ D-Lib Magazine; April 2005; Volume 11 Number 4; ISSN 1082-9873; Social Bookmarking Tools (I); A General Review; Tony Hammond, Timo Hannay, Ben Lund, and Joanna Scott; Nature Publishing Group; {t.hammond, t.hannay, b.lund, j.scott}@nature.com
(5 marks)