public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tag "handicaps cognitifs"

April 2011

Designing Websites with Understanding and Accessibility

Follow some of these ideas in the future of your layouts. You may be surprised at how positive interactions can be when web processes are slowed and streamlined for efficiency. Regardless of browsers or software you can implement these great changes into your site affecting all bouts of incoming traffic.

Orthophonie et Logiciels Libres

Cette initiative part de la conviction que les logiciels libres offrent de nombreuses possibilités dans la pratique des orthophonistes (création de matériel, adaptation de logiciels à la thérapeutique orthophonique, développement de projets collaboratifs, etc.).

December 2010

Cognitive Accessibility Online | Yahoo! Accessibility

There are a number of reasons why cognitive accessibility is not taken into account when designing websites. Accessibility for users with cognitive disabilities can be a far greater challenge than for those with other types of disabilities.

NCDAE - Cognitive Disabilities and the Web

Accessibility for users with cognitive disabilities can be a far greater challenge than for those with other types of disabilities.

October 2010

End hover abuse now : Cennydd Bowles on user experience

Designers who pop up information panels or move page elements on hover are using flawed logic, second-guessing what users want to do before they do it.

Monique's TAGS related to tag "handicaps cognitifs"

[en] +   [fr] +   accessibilité +   logiciels libres +   tic +   usability +   web +   webdesign +