11 March 2006 01:30
Campuses must uphold free speech - Letter in National Post
After reading and rereading Dr. MacLauchlan's letter in the National Post, I first thought it was a joke -- the outline for a Monty Python script. Then it struck me that he was serious.
Woman Raped by Values - Andrew of Arabia
Hoogeveen read her personal letter of thanks to Wade MacLauchlan [who] ordered all copies of the newspaper confiscated, burned, and the ashes scattered to the four corners of the earth.
11 March 2006 01:15
Campuses must uphold free speech - Letter, National Post
In effect, Wade MacLauchlan admits to not knowing what debate is, or how to defend it. He makes preposterous analogies and parrots silly hyperbole from an unnamed "P.E.I Muslim woman."
US News&World Report on censorship at UPEI
by 2 othersAfter UPEI President Wade MacLauchlan sent campus police to confiscate the student newspaper, he pronounced, in his "President's Newsletter," that the campus environment was improved.
11 March 2006 01:00
Free Speech at Risk at UPEI - Letter, National Post - Lupker
by 1 other, 1 comment (via)Wade MacLauchlan tried to defend himself by using the statement of a P.E.I. Muslim woman that the hurt caused by the cartoons was "as if I had been raped out on the street ...."
(5 marks)