public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Mumvy with tag censorship

01 March 2006 - Barbarians Inside the Gate

Europe's establishment prostrated itself before the Islamic radicals, while its press and people were on the whole appalled by the assault on freedom of expression. Knowing which way the wind blows, Mr. Sarkozy pointed out that he for one preferred "an ex

The Guardian: UPEI has catered to political correctness

The Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2006, issue of The Guardian carried an article entitled â Muslim woman praises UPEIâ s handling of cartoon controversyâ . On the same day the National Post newspaper carried an article headlined â Censorship on the

17 February 2006

14 February 2006

Bravo to Ezra Levant and the Western Standard

Finally ONE publication in all of Canada (outside of the UPEI publication which was rapidly quashed by the UPEI administration) has not only published the controversial cartoons, but also offers no apologies for doing so.