September 2006
YAML Ain't Markup Language
by 5 othersYAML(tm) (rhymes with "camel") is a straightforward machine parsable data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages such as Perl and Python. YAML is optimized for data serialization, configuration setting
Ruby, Python, "Power"
by 2 othersThere are different opinions on the relative power of Ruby and Python. I'm not much more authoritative than other resources (though I'm not less authoritative either; most comparisons between the two languages are flawed). Ultimately I don't believe there
May 2006
JavaTwo 2006 預告:當 Java 遇見 PHP
April 2006
Beyond Java
by 1 otherBeyond Java will teach you what a new language needs to succeed, so when things do change, you'll be more prepared. And even if you think Java is here to stay, you can use the best techniques from frameworks introduced in this book to improve what you're
March 2006
RDE(Ruby Development Environment)
by 2 othersRDE is the development environment of script language Ruby.
January 2006
C++ vs Java vs Python vs Ruby : a first impression
by 2 othersI am a language agnostic journeyman programmer. I am not a fan of a particular language (I almost said 'fanboy') but thats a bit inflammatory). I just want to write useful programs and have fun doing it. I know C++ and Java pretty well. I did some beginne
December 2005
(10 marks)