August 2006
July 2006
Boost Random Number Library
Random numbers are useful in a variety of applications. The Boost Random Number Library (Boost.Random for short) provides a vast variety of generators and distributions to produce random numbers having useful properties, such as uniform distribution.
[ GTL ] The Graph Template Library
GTL, the Graph Template Library GTL can be seen as an extension of the Standard Template Library STL to graphs and fundamental graph algorithms.
The Boost Graph Library
Graphs are mathematical abstractions that are useful for solving many types of problems in computer science. Consequently, these abstractions must also be represented in computer programs. A standardized generic interface for traversing graphs is of utmos
February 2006
用 C++ Template 算階層
數學的階層運算實做上有很多方式,剛剛讀 AK's weblog [Fun with C++ templates: let the compiler compute the factorial!],發現這個特別的技巧,直接使用 C++ Template 的語意來達成:
(5 marks)