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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag consolidation

December 2007

Compare cheap personal, unsecured and secured loans

People are struggling to manage their debts and with a large number of fixed-rate mortgages coming to an end in the next year, it will become more difficult for the borrowers. Credit is likely to become even more difficult to obtain in the near future. Figures from an independent loan comparison website revealed that 38 per cent of people who had applied for a new credit card in the past three months were turned down. One-fifth of the applications for a new personal loan were also rejected.

March 2007

Home Business that Moves With You,

With the cost of just about everything rising, from gas to rent to milk, families are squeezed more than ever to earn more money. "Many are working two and three jobs just to keep a roof over their heads. And any thoughts of improving their lifestyle is looking more and more hopeless," said Thierry Goho, an online entrepreneur who feels he's discovered a home-based business that could change all of that. Thats why Thierry Goho introduce you the Legit work from home opportunities, biz opportunities and legit internet home biz.