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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag "health news"


Latest World News, US News, Business News and More

There’s now a new site to help you keep up with all the types of news that you care about. News World Report offers US news, business news, economy news and more. If you’re looking for a quality, dependable news source, it’s right here. News World Report brings you up to the minute updates and news feeds in US news, global news, business, technology, society, Internet, family, health, real estate, science and recreation.


Surgery versus Supplements

You’ve heard of celebrities undergoing Gastric Bypass, but do you know what it really is? From what I learned from, Gastric bypass is a form of procedure to reduce weight. It changes the entire anatomy of the digestive system and is done to promote loss of weight for people who are overweight. In fact, the stomach pouch is reduced to the size of a small egg and portions of the small intestine are bypassed in a gastric bypass surgery. It works this way: the food never enters the lower part of the stomach but goes to the duodenum and yet the stomach usually stays healthy and produces gastric juices.


Eating Healthy and Organic on $7 a Day

We’ve all heard the joke: Whole Foods, whole paycheck. The humor seems exaggerated, until you shop there or at some other natural foods market. Before you know it you’ve spent $70 or more when all you were after was Fair Trade coffee, a fresh baguette and a few excellent cheeses. Sound familiar? One man recently admitted it costs him $800 a month to purchase his groceries from Whole Foods, and he’s only buying for himself, his girlfriend and an average-sized dog that he feeds like a human. That’s $200 a week—between $28 and $29 a day for a man, a woman and one satisfied pet. Who can afford that?