Another Massive DDoS Closes Out 2016, But Mirai Not To Blame
by 1 other (via)This past year has been one for the record books when it comes to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, so it is only proper that 2016 closes out with news of another massive DDoS attack, reported by Imperva researchers. According to them, the Imperva Incapsula network was forced to mitigate a 650 Gbps DDoS attack just a few days before Christmas.
First internationalised domain names go live
(via)The first top level domains with non-Latin characters went live on Thursday, just over six months after the process for doing so was approved, with another thirteen nearing registration.
Google Public DNS vs OpenDNS vs Your ISP’s DNS – measuring performance
(via)Like many in the industry, we were surprised and intrigued by the announcement yesterday that Google would be entering the DNS business. The basic logic was clear: Google has a vested interest in the internet being fast, and so they want to offer a free public utility to help it be faster.
Introducing Google Public DNS: A new DNS resolver from Google
(via)Today, as part of our efforts to make the web faster, we are announcing Google Public DNS, a new experimental public DNS resolver.
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