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PUBLIC MARKS from alamat with tag unix



Linux Tip for the Day: Monitoring root in the password file

One of the popularly known method of breaking into a Unix host is by inserting a uid value 0 in the /etc/passwd file which could be done in many ways including backdoors for later accesses .

Linux Tip for the Day: Kill X

Quick way to close your X login session (for SysV) for PID in `ps -u$USER | grep “fv[wm]” | awk ‘{print $1}’`; do kill -9 $PID; done Or throw it into a shell script:

Fast-boot version of Ubuntu is based on new netbook

Canonical demonstrated a fast-boot version of Ubuntu, said to launch a running browser in less than 10 seconds.

How Do I Scan My Linux System For Rootkits, Worms, Trojans, Etc.?

Either install the package that comes with your distribution (on Debian you would run apt-get install chkrootkit

50 Places Linux is Running That You Might Not Expect

It was not long ago when Microsoft Windows had a tight stranglehold on the operating system market.


Rebooting Because of Fork Bombs

There is nothing more frustrating for an Administrator who has to reboot system due to fork bomb

Building a Linux supercomputer using SSH and PVM

If you have a couple of old Linux boxes sitting around, then you’ve got the makings of a supercomputer. Dust them off, install Secure Shell (SSH)

NFS between Solaris & Linux

If you receive error messages such as “unknown version” when attempting to mount a Linux based NFS server from Solaris

Separate Shell Command history

One other suggestion on how to separate shell command history files by terminal (It works on HP-UX):

How To Set Up Database Replication In MySQL

This tutorial describes how to set up database replication in MySQL. MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), and all updates to the database on the master server are immediately replicated to the database on the slave server so that both databases are in sync.


Linux Tip of the Day - Reset MYSQL password

If you forgot your mysql password and you have root access, just follow this steps.

Linux Tip of the Day - Transferring mulibyte files

Do you find trouble in transferring multibyte binary data files to Windows and then read through HexEditor ?

Linux Tip of the Day - Find and edit strings

Ever found a need to find for a particular string across the file system and edit all those files which contains that particular string?? Here is a simple way.

Linux Tip of the Day - Removing files with bad filenames

If a file has a special character, Unix will try to interpret the character. Renaming these type of files cannot be done with a simple “mv”… will have to be done using the file’s inode.

Linux Tip of the Day - Variable usage i or ii

In cases like the following, you will notice a variable, $i, put into use. Variables such as “i, j, k” are commonly used not only in simple shell scripts, but all types of code.

Linux Tip of the Day - tail with color

Here is how to monitor a growing file and have it highlight a KEYWORD:

Carrots are good for you

Most often when we try to execute a command at the shell we do some mistakes like missing out a char or misspelling it.


Adding disk on Linux

Linux hard disk device names follow a specific standard. SCSI disks all start with sd and IDE disks with hd. After this comes a letter that identifies the unit number of the disk, so for example, the first disk would be a, the second would be b, the third would be c, and so on.

Protecting content with .htaccess files

.htaccess files are very versatile, and can easily become very complex. This document contains enough information to set simple access restrictions/limits on a directory in your web space. Remember to upload .htaccess files, and .htpasswd files using ASCII mode. This is an option is available in most FTP clients.

alamat's TAGS related to tag unix

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