Installing Zivios Server On Ubuntu | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
This howto explains installing Zivios Master Service version 0.5.0. Zivios is an n-tiered PHP-5 application, providing identity management, single sign-on, user, group and computer provisioning, as well as remote management of services. It uses MySQL and OpenLDAP as it's data store, with OpenLdap being the primary back end for identity management and application integration and MySQL being used for panel specific data.
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Switch on SAML for PHP With Project Lightbulb
INL software - Trac
EdenWall is an integrated firewall based on Netfilter and NuFW. EdenWall is a new generation firewall using the advanced solutions developped by INL and the open source community. It integrates the NuFW system developped by INL that provides a revolutionnary user authentication capability.
INL has developped a set of software used in EdenWall and available under GPL licence :
* NuFW
* Management interface: Nuface
* Log analysis and reporting : Nulog, Nureport
* Single Sign On modules
* NuFW clients: Nuapp, Nuapplet
* Tools: pynetfilter_conntrack, pyctd
xtof: Comment transformer votre blog en une OpenID ?
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Traduction d'un Billet original de Simon Willison. Seul le lien original fait référence
Bienvenue sur le site du projet LemonLDAP webSSO
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Lemonldap est une infrastructure de WEBSSO. Il fournit un handler pour le serveur Apache2 qui transforme celui-ci en Reverse Proxy d'authentification
NuFw, an Authentication Firewall Suite for Linux
by 1 other (via)
NuFW performs an authentication of every single connection passing through the IP filter, by transparently requesting user's credentials before any filtering decision is taken. Practically, this means security policies can integrate with the users directory, and bring the notion of user ID down to the IP layers.
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