May 2007
April 2007
Lifehacker Code: Better Gmail (Firefox extension) - Lifehacker
by 7 othersI've compiled the best Greasemonkey scripts for Gmail into one handy Firefox extension, called Better Gmail. After the jump, put your Gmail on steroids with Better Gmail.
March 2007
Gmail Browser
Gmail Browser is a web browser that is dedicated to running Gmail (and Google calendar).
Gmailの使い方! (新規URL)
スパム(迷惑メール)に強く、オンラインストレージにもなる脅威の2.8GB(15GB) Googleフリーメール(Gmail)の使い方!
gAttacher~Gmailにオンラインストレージへのリンクを追加する~ - Malon,Inc
Greasemonkeyのユーザースクリプトです。Gmailのメール作成画面からファイルをオンラインストレージ(にアップして、そのリンクを本文に追加してくれます。 Files
libgmailer for PHP consists of 2 parts: {GMailer (libgmailer)} a PHP class/library for you to access GMail with PHP with ease. {gmail-lite} a plain HTML only interface of GMail, accessible by any browser on Earth.
GTalk Emoticons | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation
Adds many additional emoticons to GTalk. Nearly all MSN and Yahoo emots are supported
February 2007
gmail-greasemonkey - Google Code
by 3 othersVarious Greasemonkey scripts that enhance Gmail. The scripts are listed in the 'Links' section to the right or may be accessed by browsing the Subversion code repository.
GMail - Quicker Contacts -
by 1 otherAdds quick contacts popup menu to all messages in list view and in message view. Rolling over icon in either view will popup user details, while clicking on the icon will jump directly to recent conversations. Gmail Conversation Preview Bubbles
Want preview bubbles for conversations in Gmail, as shown in the screenshot on the left? Then install the Gmail Conversation Preview Greasemonkey script. You can then right-click on any conversation to see its recent messages in a preview bubble.
January 2007
December 2006
Google 帳戶
您的 Google 帳戶讓您可以登入 Gmail 和其他 Google 服務。 如果您已經有 Google 帳戶,您可以從這裡登入。
September 2006
Gmail Space | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation
by 4 othersThis extension allows you to use your Gmail Space (2.5 GB and growing) for file storage. It acts as an online drive, so you can upload files from your hard drive and access them from every Internet capable system.
April 2006
Gmail Manager | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation
by 6 othersAllows you to manage multiple Gmail accounts and receive new mail notifications. Displays your account details including unread messages, saved drafts, spam messages, labels with new mail, space used, and new mail snippets.
March 2006
PALMisLIFE 掌上生活: 電子郵件 GB級新時代 - Gmail
什麼是 Gmail ?如果你不知道 Gmail,那應該也聽過 Google 這個可以說是全球最紅的搜尋引擎吧。Gmail 就是 Gmail 推出的免費電子郵件服務。
Google 應用服務網站版
by 14 others現在您可以為所有使用者提供附有私人標籤的電子郵件、即時訊息和日曆工具,讓他們可以更有效率地表達意見並完成各項工作,各項服務完全免費。 您也可以設計並發佈機構的網站。
(19 marks)