April 2006
Rushi’s Ramblings » Blog Archive » AJAX Resources for Beginners
by 5 others (via)Like many people out there, I'm just getting to know the technologies AJAX's hood. For people who don't know about AJAX, Wikipedia gives good info. Ajax in one line is a technology by which you can send and receive data without the page being reloaded, so it looks more 'dynamic'. I guess this could be the dummy way of explaining it.
Using prototype.js v1.4.0
by 55 othersIn case you haven't already used it, prototype.js is a JavaScript library written by Sam Stephenson. This amazingly well thought and well written piece of standards-compliant code takes a lot of the burden associated with creating rich, highly interactive web pages that characterize the Web 2.0 off your back.
Yeah !
November 2005
by 14 others (via)Tooltip.js is a simple class to make it possible to add tooltips to your page.
October 2005
moo.fx - the next small thing
by 18 othersmoo.fx is a superlightweight, ultratiny, megasmall javascript effects library, written with prototype.js.
June 2005
JavaScript, aucune contre-indication. - Blog Alsacréations : XHTML, CSS et Standards web
by 2 othersForce est de constater qu'il faut faire le point sur ce vilain garnement qu'est le JavaScript, combien de fois a-t-on pu lire le JavaScript c'est inaccessible, le JavaScript c'est mal pour faire des sites web ou même le contraire tu peux rien faire sans JavaScript et j'en passe. Il faut que cela cesse ;).
May 2005
Onload image fades without Flash | clagnut/sandbox
by 9 othersA function to show an 'image loading…' message and subsequent fade-in of a photo. Inspired by the Flash-like effect on Couloir.
January 2005
(7 marks)