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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags extension & capture


SCREENCAST -ADDON - screencastify firefox - Recherche Google

Record your monitor or a window then upload to Youtube, Gfycat, Twitter, or Facebook. You can also save to file. You can upload to Gfycat anonymously (without an account). For Gfycat, anything longer then 15 seconds needs to be converted to a GIF. This is the rules of Gfycat's website. When saving to file, you can can save it in the default format, which is .WEBM, or you can convert it to a .GIF or .MP4. This is done thanks to the ff-mpeg.js library (27mb). This library is responsible for the large size of this addon. Some services, like Twitter does not accept webm uploads, so I use this lib to convert to MP4 or GIF before upload. All uploads use the resumable APIs, so you can upload large videos without worry of upload failure. If connection is lost during an upload, the upload will resume after the connection is available again. This uses WebRTC to record. If you have it disabled, it will be enabled for the recording and then disabled again.




by 6 others
* capture de pages web (avec images) * capture d'extraits de pages * possibilité de capturer les fichiers proposés dans la page (Mp3, Mpg, Zip,...) * possibilité d'ajouter des commentaires à chaque item capturé * organisation

Tutorial Cache Viewer

En écoutant la totalité du titre depuis le player dans Firefox , le morceau s'enregistre automatiquement dans le cache internet du navigateur.L'extension Cacheviewer est disponible dans le menu du haut du navigateur Firefox depuis l'onglet "Outils" .

Sothink SWF Catcher__Capturer les animations flash .swf __Extension Firefox

Sothink SWF Catcher vous permet de capturer les animations flash .swf (jeux..) des pages web, depuis le navigateur Firefox et de les sauvegarder sur votre ordi.


ClipMarks : Capturez et bookmarquez des morceaux de pages, des paragraphes, etc...

With Clipmarks, you can clip the best parts of web pages. Whether it's a paragraph, sentence, image or video, you can capture just the pieces you want without having to bookmark the entire page.

ScreenGrab__Capture d'écran de la page web, en faisant défiler le contenu à votre place.

by 8 others
produit une copie d'écran de la page web, en faisant défiler le contenu à votre place. Raccord automatiques, sinon ce n'est pas drole. ;-)


VideoDownloader :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

by 12 others
VideoDownloader » Overview VideoDownloader screenshot More Previews » VideoDownloader 1.0, by Javi Moya, released on Apr 16, 2006 Download videos from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion... and other 60+ video sites ! And all embedded objects