17 May 2006 19:00
<img src="http://www.flickr.com/favicon.ico" border="0" height="16"> Super Batch for Flickr Gamma <i><small>(www.flickr.com)</small></i>
Super Batch script has been fixed. I put the super batch link under the You nav bar. I removed the function of 'Edit as a Batch' because Flcikr gamma has ceased the function, and the page of 'Edit as a Batch' doesn't exist any more. Instead, the new Flick
17 May 2006 14:00
<img src="http://www.flickr.com/favicon.ico" border="0" height="16"> Flickr PM - A GM script that adds Useful links next to usernames in Flickr forums and comments pages. on Flickr - Photo Sharing! <i><small>(www.flickr.com)</small></i>
by 2 othersFlickr PM - A GM script that adds Useful links next to usernames in Flickr forums and comments pages.
(2 marks)