CSS - TRICKS - Vitesse de réaction : Retirer du body la classe hover LORS du défilement - 60fps scrolling using pointer-events: none | The CSS Ninja - All things CSS, JavaScript & HTML
by 1 otherL'essentiel de la technique est de retirer la classe hover du body LORS du défilement et tous vos . hover sélecteurs ne correspond pas jusqu'à ce que l'utilisateur cesse de faire défiler la page , la classe étant alors ajoutée a body.
About avoiding unnecessary paints through disabling hover effects as the user scrolls, which is a great approach. The down side being managing all your hover states through a parent class.
hover effects on circles with CSS Transitions
by 2 othersTutorial : How to create different interesting hover effects on circles with CSS transitions and 3D rotations.Border radius property, we can create circular shapes. Seeing is the circular thumbnail which just looks so much more interesting than the usual rectangular. And because the circle is such a special shape, we are going to create some special hover effects for it!
(3 marks)