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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags link & productivite

06 March 2008 01:45

CoLT (Copy Link Text)__ajoute au menu contextuel les éléments 'Copier le texte du lien' et 'Copier le texte et l'adresse du lien'.

makes it easier than ever to copy a hyperlink’s associated text. For example, if I were to use this extension to copy this link to my blog, the copied text would quite literally be this link to my blog. CoLT also includes a means of copying both a link’s text and URL at the same time. This feature is particularly handy for bloggers, web developers, or anyone else who finds themselves writing links to other places on the web. The latest release allows users to create an unlimited number of custom formats for copying both the link text and location. All of the default formats are shown below: