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XPI - firefox - Install Firebug Extension Manually - Stack Overflow (I used this solution to install manually ThumbnaiZoom)

To install Firebug manually : There are two ways to run extensions manually: 1. Extract the XPI : Download the XPI file that contains the extension Locate the 'extensions' folder within your profile (e.g. via Firefox menu > Help > Troubleshooting Information > Show Folder) Create a new folder within the 'extensions' folder and call it like the add-on's id (for Firebug this is [email protected]) Extract the XPI into that folder 2. Get the sources from the git repository: A detailed description for how to do that can be found on the development setup description on the Firebug wiki. It's similar to the description above with the addition that you'll be able to always get the latest sources. Two notes: - The folder name must be the same as the addon's ID (look in install.rdf of the addon) In your case it's not firebug-2.0b1 , but [email protected] - The directory where the addon should be placed is not where the Firefox itself is installed, but into your Firefox's profile. By default it's in %APPDATA%MozillaFirefoxProfilesXXXXXextensions (where XXXXX is name of your profile folder. More info about profiles you can find here)



36 liens pour réparer et comprendre Firefox - NICOpenSource

Après plus de 7000 messages postés sur les forums d'entraide de Geckozone et concernant principalement le navigateur Mozilla Firefox, j'ai pu repérer divers problèmes plus ou moins récurrents, et je me suis constitué un dossier de marque-pages intitulé Aide Geckozone. Je vous propose 36 liens issus de ce dossier. Il y a des tutoriels concoctés par différents membres du forum, la solution à des problèmes plus ou moins fréquents, des articles (en particulier du portail Geckozone), etc.


Greasemonkey Version History :: Firefox Add-ons

Be Careful With Old Versions__These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.


FLICKR - DEV - a number of GM scripts just broke as they were dependent on flickrs getElementsByClass library function - Flickr Hacks

Flickr have recently replaced one of their library functions: this means any GM scripts which rely on that library function will probably now have stopped working....

Firefox Memory Usage_______PluginDoc: FQA

by 2 others
Firefox memory usage has been quite a hot topic since the release of Firefox 1.5. This FQA is designed to provide you with tips on how to minimise the amount of memory Firefox uses, information on what is known to cause memory leaks in Firefox, what is an