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PUBLIC MARKS from dikiy with tag maemo



ANNOUNCE: Easy Debian For Everyone! OpenOffice, Firefox 3, Java, AbiWord, IceWM, etc

This version uses Bundyo's 'hostwin' app to open the IceWM window (and give it a nice icon). The most important thing about this is that there are no more dependencies on Python packages. You can install the easy chroot package on a stock tablet now. It also includes Benson's much more flexible chroot script, which allows you to change your chroot settings by changing the settings in the /home/user/.chroot file.

Maemo Development

I've got NX running on the N800! Packages (note it's a bit buggy): * NX components: extract to / * nxcl * nxlaunch. See project page. Sources from and Screenshots. And it now works fullscreen!

Clone OS to SD Deb!! Boot from SD made EASY!! - Internet Tablet Talk Forums

I made a DEB that will clone the currently running OS to a 2GB CARD. It will also clone it to bigger/smaller cards but its not really setup for that.

Debian - Internet Tablet Talk

Booting Debian on the N8x0 NOTE: This page assumes a desire to boot to Debian. However, the package listed under Download can be used to run Debian apps from within the Internet Tablet's standard OS (Hildon). This alternate non-booting method is described in Running Debian chroot.

Python for Maemo

Python-GPSbt is a binding, based on libgpsbt, that provides access to GPS data through osso-gpsd. It only depends on a Bluetooth GPS device already paired.

GAIM - Maemo Wiki

# dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:%s #

Issues with bora's dbus-python

GeoClue is a DBUS-based system that applications can use to get location information for the device.


PyPackager is a small gui tool to create debian package on a maemo device. PyPackager is based on modified script : bdist_maemo.

Manually creating a .deb package for maemo

A .deb package is quite simple, at least in theory. It consists of a control.tar.gz archive with package control files, data.tar.gz archive of all files that will be installed and debian-binary file that indicates the deb version to use. These files are then placed within an ar archive.

Working 2008 OS Software - Internet Tablet Talk

This is a list of working 2008 OS software.


How to create a .deb package for maemo without Scratchbox

The officially recommended way to create .deb packages for the maemo platform is to use dpkg-buildpackage within Scratchbox. For me, Scratchbox is a pain to install for two main reasons. First, there is no RPM package of the scratchbox environment, so apparently I need to run some scripts as root, let my system get a little messier, which I am not willing to do. Second, the docs advise to turn off SELinux in order to get the Scratchbox environment to work, which again I am not keen to do.

A port of Liferea for mobile linux handheld devices — Ian Lawrence

Frothing (Feed Reading On The Hoof) is a news aggregator for online news feeds. There are many other news readers available, but some are not available for mobile Linux devices or require many extra libraries to be installed. Frothing tries to fill this gap by creating a fast, easy to use, easy to install news aggregator for mobile Linux handheld devices

dikiy's TAGS related to tag maemo

.deb +   access +   blog +   client +   conky +   create +   dbus +   deb +   debian +   files +   firefox +   freenx +   gpodder +   gps +   hildon +   install +   Internet Tablet +   language +   linux +   mobile +   N800 +   n810 +   olsr +   online +   os2008 +   package +   penguinbait +   post +   python +   script +   setup +   software +   wiki +   wordpress +   xml-rpc +