March 2007
ThoughtFix on Nokia Internet Tablets: Nokia N800 Storage Benchmarks
These results are of limited scientific use since I have no comparisons. I invite users to replicate my commands here and report their results either in comments here or in this InternetTabletTalk thread. Please try those "super" or "ultra" SD cards so we can see if they are any faster.
First are the results using my 1GB SanDisk RS-MMC card in the "removable" slot using the RS-MMC to SD adapter. I am including screenshots so users can see the commands used, including how to generate a file exactly 64M.
November 2006
Time Shall Tell - Work Time Tracker
(via)TST allows users to easily track the time spent on projects and generate simple reports. It features centralized data storage in a database server and includes a simple tool for user administration.
by 29 others (via)Openomy is an online file system. You can store files on Openomy and access them from any computer. Openomy organizes files and users via tags (as opposed to folders). You can choose to keep your files guarded by Openomy, or allow certain outside applications (of your choice) to do new and interesting things with your data.
(6 marks)