public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tag event

March 2009

Announcing Hookah, the Web Hook Event Dispatcher « Web Hooks

The goal of Hookah is to take most of the work out of implementing web hooks. Ideally, Hookah will allow you to have all the features you need for successfully deploying web hooks and only need to add a few lines of code to your app. In fact, one line for each event! On top of that, the interface for Hookah is HTTP, so it’s not that different than directly invoking web hooks and works easily from any language.

webhooks are the last cool things.

The Burst Engine is an OpenSource vector animation engine for the HTML5 Canvas Element. Burst provides similar web functionality to Flash and contains a layer based animation system like After Effects. Burst uses a very light-weight JavaScript frame, meaning your animations will download unnoticably quick and can be controlled using very simple JavaScript methods. For example: the [-] logo above is a Burst animation attached to a mouseOver event using the following code...

canvas is the next Flash or not

March 2008

[webkit-dev] Changes to keyboard event handling

In the latest WebKit nightlies, we have changed keyboard event handling to match Internet Explorer much more closely.

It may break your website.

January 2008

La Cantine : Inscription à l'inauguration de la Cantine le 30 janvier 2008

Inauguration du lieu hype où tout tech-Paris ira boire son café wifi.

May 2007

greut's TAGS related to tag event

cantine +   code +   flash +   github +   html5 +   javascript +   js +   nosocksday +   opensource +   paris +   web +   webhooks +   webkit +   work +