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PUBLIC MARKS from irols with tag itunes






by 1 other
We are a mobile & web platform that effortlessly allows you to record and upload audio for your friends, family or the rest of the world to hear.


Freeware > Movie2iTunes

by 1 other
This droplet allows you to add other then plain QuickTime movies to iTunes.

Fisher Price : Song and Story Online Store

Here you will find hundreds of children's songs and stories clearly organized and ready to download to your FP3 Player. Each song and story purchased at the store comes with a visual icon so that children can easily recognize their favorite tracks on their Kid-Tough FP3 Player.

Amie Street - Amie Street, Independent Music Download Website

Listen to Great Independent Music Download our DRM-FREE MP3s onto any computer or MP3 player you own. Even an iPod! Get Paid to Find The Good Stuff All songs start free on Amie Street. If you find a great new song, and recommend it before it goes up in price, we give you free credit to buy more music!

MédiaMômes Lot : Pensons pédagogie, non technologie > Ajouter des paroles à vos chansons [iTunes]

by 1 other
La musique c'est bien, mais si en plus vous voulez apprendre les paroles de vos chansons préférées, c'est possible directement dans iTunes grace à la fonction "Obtenir des informations".

ConvenienceWare - TextParrot: speech solution for Mac OS X

TextParrot is a multilingual speech solution for Mac OS X that allows you to listen to your documents with naturally sounding voices in a language of choice. Or use it to create your own personal podcasts or your own audio books by exporting to iPod ready iTunes tracks. | Songbird Media Player

by 56 others
Play music. Play the Web.™ Songbird™ is a desktop Web player, a digital jukebox and Web browser mash-up. Like Winamp, it supports extensions and skins feathers. Like Firefox®, it is built from Mozilla®, cross-platform and open source.

Apple - iTunes - Devenez un partenaire iTunes

Ajoutez le meilleur juke-box numérique et le premier site de musique en ligne à votre mix marketing. Les maisons de disques, les entreprises, les institutions, les établissements scolaires et universitaires, associent iTunes à leurs campagnes promotionnelles et plans marketing. Désormais, c'est à vous de jouer.

Apple - iTunes - Marketing musique

En tant que label adhérent iTunes, vous pouvez toucher des millions d'amateurs de musique. Découvrez ci-dessous quelques-uns des outils et programmes de marketing musical que nous avons conçus pour vous aider à optimiser vos ventes sur iTunes.

Apple - iTunes - iTunes Store

Ouvert 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, iTunes Store propose plus de 4 millions de chansons, 100 000 podcasts gratuits, 20 000 livres audio et maintenant des jeux pour iPod. Trouvez votre bonheur, téléchargez, savourez et synchronisez en moins de temps qu'il ne vous en faut pour aller au magasin d'à côté. | Pass It On

With Zune™ you can share a variety of audio files.[1] Not only can you share songs you purchased or downloaded via the Zune Marketplace, but you can also share your own recordings, too. Share the school lecture you recorded, your homemade music tracks, or your weekly podcast.

libsyn // podcasting made easy

Welcome to the revolution. Podcasting is a means to publish audio and video content to the world via the Internet. Audiences are able to subscribe to their favorite shows and automatically receive the latest episodes in iTunes or similar client. Creating a podcast of your own is almost as easy as listening to one. Grab a mic, record an MP3, get on your soapbox, and let us take it from there!

iTrafik l La Boîte à Outils > Fiche logiciel

L’iPod nano et 5G permettent d’afficher les paroles de vos titres ! Mais pour cela, faut-il encore que vous les ayez sous la main... Sing that iTunes ! est un widget pour Dashboard et Konfabulator qui saura faire ce sale boulot pour vous.

irols's TAGS related to tag itunes

affiliation +   annuaire +   apple +   art +   audioguides +   business-models +   cadeaux +   communautes +   education +   enfants +   formation +   hebergement +   iBookstore +   ipod +   jeux +   libre +   livres +   livres audio +   logiciel +   mac +   marketing +   mobile +   mp3 +   mpea +   musique +   outils +   paroles +   Podcasts +   produits derives +   radios +   shopping +   site +   tv +   vidéos +   web +   widget +   windows +