August 2006
雅虎MySpace轮番遇袭 Web2.0反成黑客温床
网络安全业内将Web 2.0网站内的这些编码缺陷,称为跨站脚本(XSS)或跨站脚本漏洞。此类混合技术(mash-up)意味着,安全问题已扩展到不同的应用程序中。
June 2006
Incito - Interactive Everything
SwfJax uses a lightweight SWF (Adobe's Small Web Format or simply - Flash) engine to get XML data from the server and xPath (XML Path Language) to address a part of data it has retrieved. Data can be returned back to Javascript as an Array. You can also send multiple xPath queries at once.
May 2006
(8 marks)