public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jasontromm with tag mobile

October 2005

Getting Started with Podcasts

A podcast is an audio or video file that you can subscribe to online. The advantage to a podcast is that you don't need to remember to go back and get the newest information from your favorite online source. Once you subscribe to the podcast it will automatically show up in your reader. The readers are usually free or low cost. The majority of podcasts are available as audio files in MP3 format, syndicated through an RSS (XML) file. Other formats and other types of files, such as video, can also be podcasted. The content is downloaded to your desktop PC or mobile device. It's not streamed, so you can access the content when you want.

August 2005

March 2004

by 1 other
all about texting, SMS and MMS

jasontromm's TAGS related to tag mobile

free +   internet +   mp3 +   palm +   rss +   video +