public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jasontromm with tag truth

April 2006

Revs arrive, truth dies

The arrival of the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton [at Duke] changes the dynamic dramatically. Rev. Jackson is even so sure that the alleged rape victim is telling the truth he is providing her with a scholarship for her college education. All of a sudden the issue is not a rape victim and those that may be guilty of such a horrific crime; rather, it is about "white rich boys" attacking a "poor black girl." Why?

February 2006

The Oldest Morality Play

Cop shows are virtually the only place on television where it’s acceptable to be morally judgmental. In an age that rejects absolute moral truths, the popularity of cop shows is a healthy sign, because they point to the existence of a moral order that is intuitively understood, and hence, to the truth of Christianity.

January 2006

Press Spins Abramoff as “Republican Scandal”

Look at this Abramoff investigation. Already the media are treating it as a Republican scandal, almost exclusively. Well, the fact is that we know that both Dingy Harry and Helmet Head, Byron Dorgan, may have problems. Reid is the Senate Democrat leader. But they're reporting it this way because they want it to be a Republican scandal. Some news reports are even saying Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. We know for a fact he spread money around to both parties.

November 2005

Narnia! Disney's thrilling new movie is here

The great news is that the Disney movie version of "The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe" is not only very entertaining, but retains the deeper truth and essence of C.S. Lewis' great novel, the first in his great seven-part Chronicles of Narnia redemptive fantasy series. Just 11 hours after the final edits, the Director's Guild audience thrilled to the exciting motion picture, adapted beautifully from the novel that almost 100 million people have read and loved. Neither the fans of the book, nor the fans of the story behind the story, will be disappointed.

August 2005

Getting Wise to the Lies

Young women are finally hearing the truth about abortion: It doesn’t get rid of a “blob of tissue:” It kills a living baby. And it’s not the safe surgery that advocates claim: It carries terrible risks and long-term consequences.

jasontromm's TAGS related to tag truth

abortion +   card +   crime +   disney +   life +   media +   money +   narnia +   new +   news +   race +   television +   women +   young +