November 2006
Jihad is fun! Vote Democrat!
Democrats can't not be crazy. They will instantly set to work enacting a national gay-marriage law, impeachment hearings, slavery reparations and a series of new federal felonies for abortion clinic protesters. The only way to get Democrats to focus on terrorists would be to convince them that the terrorists are interfering with a woman's right to choose or that commercial jetliners exploding in midair are a threat to America's wetlands.
July 2006
8 Employees Stabbed at Tenn. Grocery Store
A knife-wielding grocery store employee attacked eight co-workers Friday, seriously injuring four before a witness pulled a gun and stopped him, police said.
Elartrice Ingram, 21, was charged with nine counts of attempted first-degree murder, police said. The attack apparently stemmed from a work dispute, investigators said.
()() One more example of why we need to keep the 2nd Amendment and Castle Doctrine laws.
May 2006
Tape Shows Democrat Lawmaker Taking Money
(via)A congressman under investigation for bribery was caught on videotape accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from an FBI informant whose conversations with the lawmaker also were recorded, according to a court document released Sunday. Agents later found the cash hidden in his freezer.
At one audiotaped meeting, Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., chuckles about writing in code to keep secret what the government contends was his corrupt role in getting his children a cut of a communications company's deal for work in Africa.
()() But if you believe the MSM the Democrats are pure as the driven snow. Only Republicans are supposed to be acting like this.
March 2006
Some telecommuters work in the nude
(via)Some 10 percent of worldwide telecommuters wear nothing at all while working at home, finds a survey by the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based SonicWALL.
February 2006
Intern fired for sharing faith
A former graduate student who lost an internship for discussing her Christian faith with co-workers has filed a federal lawsuit.
Jacqueline Escobar was completing a master's degree in social work at California State University Long Beach when she interned with the Department of Children and Family Services, or DCFS.
December 2005
EDS takes over Ahold in Mauldin
Nearly 230 people who used to work for grocer Ahold USA in Mauldin now work for Electronic Data Systems Corp., the big information technology company founded by Ross Perot.
November 2005
Ten Bloglines Hacks
by 4 others (via)In continuing with the social media “hacks” series (RSS, Technorati, blogging and Wikipedia), here are ten hacks that work with Bloglines, the most popular RSS news reader.
September 2005
It's the spending, stupid
Perhaps you've heard the one about the 700 firefighters from a variety of states who volunteered to do rescue work following Hurricane Katrina? They sat in a hotel room in Atlanta for days getting sexual harassment training from FEMA officials. No joke. Note to Republicans eager to shovel new money at federal agencies: This is the way government works.
August 2005
How to Call in Sick When You Just Need a Day Off
(via)Everyone needs the occasional unscheduled day of leisure. Here is how to get yours without raising suspicions at work
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