January 2008
illustrations.fr :
Bienvenue sur le premier site d'illustrations gratuites dédiées aux ressources humaines Nous avons choisi de nous consacrer exclusivement au monde de l'entreprise. Cette spécialisation nous permet d'illustrer des scénarios pertinents qui traitent de l
June 2007
May 2007
SME Server Inc. - Home
by 1 otherSME Server is a leading distribution for small and medium enterprises. It stands apart from the competition by shipping with most common functionality preconfigured and features a number of popular additional enhancements in the form of downloadable 'cont
EzPlanet One Enterprise Linux Distribution
EzPlanet One integrates advanced technologies, flexibility, high availability, security, quality. Built with the Enterprise in mind, it features also several tools for the Professionals and Individual users, that make its use more fun. Most of the latest
April 2007
www.centos.org - The Community ENTerprise Operating System
by 3 othersCentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.
March 2007
PEAK - The Python Enterprise Application Kit
by 1 otherPEAK is the "Python Enterprise Application Kit". If you develop "enterprise" applications with Python, or indeed almost any sort of application with Python, PEAK may help you do it faster, easier, on a larger scale, and with fewer defects than ever before
March 2006
(8 marks)