public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jdrsantos with tag presentation



SlideShare is the best place to share powerpoint presentations

by 34 others
SlideShare is the best way to share your presentations with the world. Let your ideas reach a broad audience. Share publicly or privately. Add audio to create a webinar.


Wink - [Homepage]

by 72 others
Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add explanations boxes, buttons, titles etc and generate a hi


by 3 others
KeyJnote is a program that displays presentation slides. But unlike Impress or other similar applications, it does so with style. Smooth alpha-blended slide transitions are provided for the sake of eye candy, but in addition to this, KeyJno

jdrsantos's TAGS related to tag presentation

authoring +   collaboration +   css3 +   demos +   elearning +   javascript +   office +   open_source +   python +   sharing +   tutorials +   webinar +