public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kifolga with tag cars

August 2008

Car insurance for business.

Learn the value of insurance for car among other auto insurance polices and auto insurance quotes (USA 1922).

April 2008

Green Cars

Green Cars: marketing dilemma of selling Green Cars or standard models. Green movement. Worldwide production of green vehicles.

Electric cars

Auto Makers See Promise in Fuel Cells. Electric cars were designed to be powered by electricity.

March 2008

February 2008

October 2007

Sportscar models best of all times.

Sportscar market overviews and detail description of world best sports cars of all times.

September 2007

Automobile industry

The book about American automobile industry in 1930.

A Dictionary of Automobile Terms

The exact meanings and uses of motorcars terms in technical language.

The History of Automobile Industry till 1941.

The history of the automobile industry from the horseless carriage days of 1900 to the streamlined model of 1940.