Amazon RDS, MySQL, Hmm?
BTW if you follow their "use mysqldump" model for pushing data into the service, remember that --single-transaction will allow you to do a hot backup. There is no need to lock up your current database. I am still appalled at how few people know that. Years ago we should have renamed "mysqldump" to "mysqlbackup" and defaulted the settings for Innodb.
Expanding the Cloud: The Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
En tout cas, leur discours marketing fait rĂªver :)
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)
MySQL as a web service from Amazon
How To: Getting Started with Amazon EC2
EC2 lets you easily run and manage many instances (like servers) and given the proper software and configurations, have a scalable platform for your web application, outsource resource-intensive tasks to EC2 or for whatever you would use a server farm
Amazon.com MP3 Downloads Beta
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Amazon S3 is everywhere
Seems to me that everywhere I turn, I'm hearing about someone doing something cool with Amazon S3. Here's a collection of some of the things I've noticed.
(8 marks)