Top 12 Browser Versions in the United States | StatCounter Global Stats
Time Period: May 09 to May 10
Unemployment in the U.S. - Google - public data
Monthly estimates of employment and unemployment for all States, metropolitan areas, counties and cities.
Internet 2009 in numbers
We have used a wide variety of sources from around the Web. A full list of source references is available at the bottom of the post for those interested.
MacBook Battery Statistics
ioreg -w0 -l | grep Capacity
Google Analytics Hack - obtaining full referring URL
I managed to find a way to use the urchinTracker function to place the exact referring URL into the top content report. I know it's a bit of a nasty hack, but I'm willing to live with it
Google Analytics stops at 234,725 accounts
by 1 otherWith 234,725 Analytics accounts created (and probably over 200,000 additional profiles), Google has went from tracking zero to almost half a million in about a week. This is a huge amount of data to process.
SWF Tracker and Traffic Monitoring for Flash Content
by 5 others4 lignes d'ActionScript pour toujours savoir combien de fois 1 SWF est vu même s'il est mis sur un autre serveur.
(13 marks)