March 2006
October 2005
September 2005
Faut-il utiliser des tags composés de plusieurs mots ? - Gastero Prod
by 2 others (via)Depuis que j’utilise des tags, sur des sites ou services de plus en plus nombreux, je ne m’étais jamais posé cette question, mais elle ne me semble pas anodine.
June 2005
March 2005
Bokardo » Controlled Vocabularies Cut Off the Long Tail
by 1 otherIt’s like eating chocolate mousse made with heavy cream, a 90% cocoa chocolate bar, and 1 billion calories.
IBM's Intranet and Folksonomy
by 5 others (via)IBM will soon experiment with folksonomy. They are motivated by a need to maintain the pace of updates to how information is organized in their intranet and a need to help users access their system.
February 2005
Accentuating the Positive in Metadata and Folksonomies | Darren Barefoot
by 1 other (via)If everyone spends more time and effort describing good things than bad ones, will we end up consuming fewer bad things?
January 2005
Many-to-Many: Folksonomy is better for cultural values: A response to danah
by 2 others (via)"If you care about contested terms and the risks of marginalization,, Flickr, et al do more to improve our access to, and understanding of, marginalization and contestation than any current alternative. "
(15 marks)