04 May 2007
bonded diamond
(via)Before you start shopping for diamonds, consider dealing with a bonded jeweler. Bonded jewelers sell bonded diamonds, and there are very few bonded jewelers in the world. In fact, out of all of the jeweler’s in the world, only about 5% of them are bonded. Buying a bonded diamond will cost more than buying a non-bonded diamond, but when you look at what you get with the bonded option, you will see that it is well worth the extra expense.
11 April 2007
diamond insurance
(via)The diet of Dr.Atkins is founded on a assumption of cause behind why we develop extra fat. In this theory proposed by Dr. Atkins, consuming too much simple carbohydrates and sugars results is gaining weight. The manner in which our bodies process the simple carbohydrates that are a part of our regular diet is much more important then the calories consumed during the day.
08 April 2007
diamond price
(via)Diamond prices are determined first by adding the cost of the rough diamond, the cost of cutting the diamond, and all other costs necessary to turn the rough diamond into a marketable diamond. Depending on the importance of the diamond, an independent company may be called in to certify the grade of the diamond based on color, cut, clarity, and weight.
05 April 2007
rare diamond
(via)When you walk into a jewelry store and see all the diamonds in all of the various settings that are for sale, it is difficult to realize that diamonds are indeed rare. Most people don’t even stop to consider how that diamond came to be sitting in that jeweler’s case! There is quite a bit of work that is donebefore a diamond is ready to sell to the general public!
02 April 2007
diamond weight
Diamonds are measured in Carat Weight. One carat weighs 200 milligrams. If a diamond is referred to as four grains, this also means that it is a one carat diamond. The word Carat comes from the word carob. A carob is a bean that grows on a tree in the Mediterranean. In times past, if a diamond weighed the same as a carob bean, it was one carob, or one carat
25 March 2007
gemstone ring
(via)Diamond and Gemstone Rings are both beautiful and unique. Thereare so many styles, cuts, and weights that is hard to choosejust one. Let's take a look at what a diamond is and brieflydiscuss what gemstones are. We can then progress to discussingdiamond rings and gemstone rings or any combination of the two.
(6 marks)