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PUBLIC MARKS from mrongos with tags "PS3 Version" & "PS3 Previews"

18 October 2006 08:45

Japanese release date and price for Sonic revealed

We can get our speed on with the blue hedgehog by the end of this year, assuming our release date coincides with Japan’s. Sega announced today that the PS3 version of Sonic the Hedgehog will grace the Playstation 3 on December 21st at a price point of 6800 yen (the same as the current gen game prices, apparently). Also announced was the price of Sega Golf Club… it’s also 6800 yen. No word on the 360 version of the game yet. Does this portend well for American game prices? Not really — Japan doesn’t have a singular price of games. We can probably expect a $60 price tag on our games, as previously asserted by Activision. Some bigger titles may run up to $70, but hey, that might tack on the “special edition” label to somehow make it easier to swallow. Nevertheless, let us hope Sonic comes stateside by the end of the year — we want to move really, really, really fast. Now then, let’s go play Ogre Battle 64 (quite possibly the slowest pacing ever in a game… still amazing, but damn is it sluggish).